The APC Smart Online SRT series is the latest double conversion product line.
New MSRP prices are significantly higher than older lines making our refurbished units your best value.
We offer both low (120v) and high (200-240v) voltage systems.
Built in webcard
175-265v input range
208 or 240volt output
Multi color lcd screen
Higher Wattage Yields
Tower/Rack w/rotated LCD
ECO Mode available
Interesting Facts:
Uses the same SURT battery pods
No more bypass switch, all automatic
6kva version comes without a cord
Low Voltage SRT Models: 1-3kva 2U
High Voltage SRT Models: 3-8kva 200-240volt.
See our high refurbishment process with one of our favorite SRT units.
Dual Output Voltage Models: 5/6kva
APC offers two transformers (K) models for stepdown to 120v and (S) models for isolation transformer bundles with 120 & 208v outputs. (S) bundles can also output to a panel with split phase port. Notice the part# is very similar.