SYBester3 - Field & Load Tester for APC SYBTU1 Battery Trays - Gen3


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Current Status:
3rd Generation
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Product Overview

Quickly Measure, Check and Determine the status of any APC SYBTU1 type battery tray.

Simply plug in the SYBester into the back of the SYBTU1 or SYBTU2 tray and its immediately gives you the Voltage, Thermister value, and Battery Class Resistor Value.

AND with Sybester3 ... you can Load test the battery tray, and use the SybesterLIVE! companion Android APP to download datalog tests of battery

Sybester3 comes with case, Android phone with SybesterLIVE App and cables.

Developed by Robert Furmanak as a quick tool to use around the GreenLightUPS shop.

Watch the video now:

from his original LinkedIn Post:
We test and rebuild a lot of SYBT batteries, and we needed a more efficient way of checking them. Having a technician insert voltmeter probes into the battery terminals is inefficient and error-prone, and a custom cable to connect a standard voltmeter to the battery terminals is only slightly better, for the technician would still have to make 3 separate measurements. The tech would also have to switch between reading resistance and voltage. The testers I designed make the task much easier, and they are inexpensive to make. 



  • Works on all generations of APC Symmetra PX (SYBU1-PLP, SYBTU2-PLP) batteries  (including Smart-UPS VT, AIS, and Galaxy 3500 batteries)
  • Measure voltage from 20-125volts  (completely dead batteries wont read anything)
  • Measure Thermister values to confirm safe operation between 8-30ohms  (plus Live Temperature option)
  • Measure R battery class value to confirm V66, C10, B20, G35 type battery class
  • High quality Anderson type Powerpole® terminals for 10,000s of quick connections
  • 3amp battery load test, temperature and Mosfet tests.
  • Datalogging Battery tests
  • Bluetooth enable data transfer


  • REQUIRES Minimum 20vdc to activate
  • VOLTAGE:  20-125 VDC
  • THERMISTER:  8-10 ohms
  • RESISTANCE: 5-85 ohms


  • TESTER DIMENSIONS:   6.00" x 1.75" x 4.25"
  • WEIGHT:  1.2lbs
  • MATERIALS:   Plastic Condulette body


  • Sybester Generation 3 (Green 3D printed with 3amp Tester)
  • Android Phone  (models vary)
  • SybesterLIVE! APP
  • Waterproof Case:  To hold tester


APC®, Symmetra®, Smart-UPS® SYBTU1-PLP are trademarks of Schneider Electric.   Powerpole® is a registered trademark of Anderson Power Products.

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